art, design, comics, animation and whatever else i can think of

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Moving to WordPress

I have been pretty unhappy with Blogger for some time now. It seems to me that at least since Google gobbled them up very little has been done to improve or enhance the service. I've been thinking for the longest time that I should switch to WordPress, which is what I was using for my comic, but for one reason or another I just haven't gotten around to it. Well now they are forcing my hand. Google has decided to discontinue FTP support for Blogger which means that only Blogger hosted sites will be able to run with Blogger. Yuck. Massive yuck. That means that instead of running my blog on the front page of my site, I'd have to link off over to unlikelyattitude.blogspot or some such. Grrrr.

So now I have to figure out how to flop everything over. If things look sloppy here for the next few days (weeks?) it's because I'm working this out.

Wish me luck!

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